Veteran's Day is the one day a year we honor those who have fought so hard to protect the freedoms we enjoy. Too often, we take our freedom for granted. And we should remember EVERY day those who have given so much for us.
I'm truly thankful for so many men and women who have sacrificed so much to allow me to live the life I live. Men and women who leave home, family and friends, to live wherever they are told to.
I complain that my bed is not comfortable enough. When there are those who sleep in foxholes so I can sleep in my bed in safety.
I gripe about our electric bill being too high. And there are men and women wearing heavy bulletproof vests under their uniforms, carrying 80 lb. backpacks in 120 degree heat. They do this so I can sit on my couch, watching television and enjoying my air conditioner.
I get upset when someone cuts me off in traffic. There are those who are targets. Every day they worry about sniper's bullets, or IEDs.
God forgive me for not showing my appreciation more every day for those who have given so much for me.
This Veteran's Day has even more meaning to me, as my son is currently in Navy school. In the coming years, he will live his life on a submarine, patrolling the waters of this world. He has decided to make this world a safer place.
Thank you, God for men and women like Chase. Those who realize we will not have the freedoms we have without being willing to fight for them. Bless our troops and their families. Watch over them and protect them as they serve. And help us to always be thankful for those willing to serve.
The following is a video that speaks volumes to me. It has been shared many times in the past few years.
Thank you to veteran's families, who visit a cemetery on this day. Thank you to veteran's who have served in the past. And thank you to those who are currently serving.
God bless you.