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Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Reports out now show that Fort Worth Police Department is now reaching the ten minute mark on priority 1 calls. Priority 1 means there is an immediate threat to human life. So if you are being attacked in your home by an intruder, you can expect the police to show up in 9 minutes and 45 seconds.
**Please do NOT misunderstand this...I am extremely thankful for the police, and all that they do.  I thank God for them every day.**
But this report shows one thing:
When you or your family are being threatened, YOU are the only one you can count on to defend yourself.
The police do a wonderful job. However, there are 20 officers for every 10,000 citizens. They can only do so much.
Should you find yourself being awakened in the middle of the night by someone kicking in your front door, you have a couple of options:
1. You can dial 911 and pray there is an officer rolling down your street at that exact moment
2. You can defend yourself
In 1996, the average was 12 seconds from the time a home invasion begins, and the moment you were faced with a deadly force decision. So the instant someone begins to kick your door in (or climb in a window), you have 12 seconds before you decide whether to pull the trigger or not.
So picture a police officer driving up your street. Even if he is sitting two houses down, the likelihood that he will make it to your house in time to stop you or your family from being injured or killed is slim. Count the seconds to yourself as you think about what has to happen.
You are startled from your sleep by a horrendous sound.
The stopwatch has started.
It takes you at least a second to convince yourself that the sound you heard is real, and not just a dream.
"Someone is breaking in" you think to yourself.
You waste at least a half-second trying to decide what to do as you shake the sleepy cobwebs from your brain.
"Call 911" you think and reach for your phone.
You unlock your phone, (we'll say you actually get it right the first time, even though you are still not fully functioning), and dial 911.
It rings.
"911, what is your emergency?"
You are relieved that they answered on the first ring.
"Yes, I live at....."
You have to give them your address, since you are likely on a cell phone.
"Someone just kicked my front door in, and I think they're in the house"
Your 12 seconds are up. You look up, and see a man (or two or three men) walking into your bedroom. One has a gun, and the other two have knives.
NOW what do you do?
I'm not going to try to talk to you about buying a gun for home defense, or getting your Concealed Handgun License so you can defend your family.
I just want you to realize that you may not be able to depend on the police during the few seconds you really need them.
Seat belts do a great job, but if you wait until you start to get into an accident before putting them on, it is too late.
The police will get there as soon as they can, but they will likely only be able to take a report about what happened.
What do you do to defend yourself?
Make no are the first responder. It is up to you to defend your life, and the lives of your family. If you do not prepare now, you may simply become another statistic.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Why I Carry ALL The Time

My wife was teasing me one day a couple of years ago when I was in the kitchen with my gun on my hip.

"Do you really think you need that in here?" she asked. 

Yes.  Yes I do.

Obviously, I hope to be safer inside my own home than out somewhere at a restaurant.  But I read the news.  And I am on the internet enough to see what kind of world we are living in now.

I explained to her that if I am in the kitchen, and someone kicks in the door, my gun is on the other side of the house.  I may as well not even have one.  I have friends who say if that happened to them, they would remain calm and reason with the person.

If someone is willing to kick you door in when they know you are home, there is no reasoning to be had.  They are willing to commit a felony (they are likely armed, and that is not only breaking and entering, but armed robbery).  They are willing to do bodily harm to you.  And there are countless cases of people trying to reason with the intruder, and still winding up dead.  

The story below is of two women who were killed by men running from the police.  They were "safe" inside their homes.

Two Florida residents, a mother and daughter, were brutally murdered inside their home during a chance encounter with four armed and wanted men after they wound up at the home during a crime spree and police chase.

These men were on the run after robbing a pawn shop, and became trapped inside the residential development they happened upon during the chase. Abandoning their vehicle, they burst inside the home of 51-year-old Deborah Royal, and her mother 72-year-old Patricia Moran.

As police were setting up a perimeter around the home they believed the men went into, a vehicle came right through the garage door. Police fired at the vehicle before it quickly crashed.

Before the men tried to get away by ramming the garage door, they brutally murdered the two women inside their home. The women were simply inside their own home, and had no warning as to what was about to happen.


Having a gun, and NOT having it on you is no help.  The link below is of a video where a man and two friends are killed in a home invasion at 7:30 AM.  

You can watch the video from an MSNBC news story.  I WARN YOU -- it is graphic.  

The homeowner had suffered break in burglaries, and had installed hidden cameras inside his home.  

While he visits with his friends, a man comes to the back door, pointing a gun at him.  Once inside, he hits the homeowner with the gun, and beats him while he is on the ground.  The women are tied up while the thugs rummage through the home.  

The homeowner owned a gun.  But it was in the bedroom.  He owned a CHL, and didn't feel a need to carry at home.  

With the homeowner's own gun from the bedroom, one of the intruders shoots all three victims in the head.  (He missed one of the women, but they are all three shot again by the first gunman).   

These things happen.  If you own a gun, please keep it on you, even at home.  There are bad people everywhere.  

Don't be another victim.