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Monday, January 21, 2013

All You Need Is Twenty Seconds Of Insane Courage...

So I was thinking about some movies I’ve seen in the last few years that I have learned something from.  Most movies are mindless entertainment; an escape if you will.  Every once in a while, I see something that sticks with me.  For instance, in 2011, Matt Damon starred in “We Bought a Zoo”.  Based on a true story, whatever that really means, it was not only entertaining, it made me feel good.  And I came away with a lesson learned. 

I remember where he was telling his kids about the twenty seconds of insane courage.  "You know, sometimes all you need is twenty seconds of insane courage. Just literally twenty seconds of just embarrassing bravery. And I promise you, something great will come of it."
For him, it was walking by a café, seeing a pretty lady, and deciding it was worth risking the 20 seconds to meet her.  So he walked in, and talked to her.  Later, they married, and she made his life so much better. 

And I started thinking about the times in my life when I sold out because I was afraid of what might happen.  Scared of potential consequences, I refused to risk even 20 seconds of insane courage. 

So the other day, I decided to take a risk.  It took several moments of convincing myself that I could do it.  I could see her across the room.  She glanced my way, and smiled.  I knew it was about to happen.  After a moment, she started my way.  I felt my skin grow clammy, and my heart race.  “20 seconds of insane courage,” I repeated in my head. 

Suddenly, she was at my table, and there was no backing out.  She began the small talk.  Once the initial pleasantries had been exchanged, I knew it was time.  With my stomach knotting, I asked myself, “What is the worst that could happen”?  She could say no?  Swallowing hard, I cleared my throat, and looked up into her smiling face.

“Sprite, please.”

WHEW!  I had done it.  No rejection.  She actually seemed happy I had asked.

Thank you Matt Damon for convincing me 20 seconds of insane courage really is all it takes.

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