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Thursday, September 15, 2016

War on the Blue?

So lately, there has been a call for the shooting of police officers.

I just want to make sure I understand.  Thugs who break the law, and assault a police officer are victims when the officer is forced to defend himself?

Fair enough.

So if you are one of those who decide you want to go against law enforcement, and want a target put on officers, that is your choice.

But if you are going to make that decision, you need to consider a couple of things.

1. When you wake in the middle of the night to thugs kicking in your front door to steal or kill your family, do not dial 911.  If you hate the police, you have no right to call on them when you need help. Call the drug dealer or gang member, and let them come to your aid.

2.  If you are willing to assault a police officer, know that there may be someone like me nearby, who will NOT stand idly by, waiting for you to finish the job.  You will quickly find yourself outnumbered, fighting those willing to fight to the death to defend our brothers and sisters in blue.

3.  You are the minority in this war.

There are millions of us who appreciate the work the police do day in and day out.  Are there some officers who are racist?  Probably.  But the vast majority of officers are honest, good men and women who uphold the law, regardless of the color of a person's skin.  And those of us who recognize that are highly offended by those of you who wish to do them harm.

To the men and women in blue: know that you have a lot of people on your side.

You don't know who I am.  You may never notice me.  I'm the one at the gas pump next to you, looking all around, just to make sure there are no potential threats to you.  I am the one parked outside the grocery store, waiting for my wife, also diligently watching the rest of the lot.  I thank God daily for you and the service you provide.  I pray for you daily, and that you will return to your family safely after your shift.  And I am sorry for the difficulties you face every day in a job that is already the most stressful.

I will forever watch out for you, wherever I am.

I am in your corner.

I have your six.

And I am not alone.

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