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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

November 7th, 2012


The elections are over.  Happy or sad; pleased or disappointed; it is done.

One thing I'm tickled about is the fact that (for a while, anyway), we won't be subjected to so many political ads.  Thankfully, I live in Texas, which is not a swing state, so we don't get as many as someone in Ohio might.  Still, it will be great to not have to mute the television every third commercial.  Now I can get back to being irritated at so many mattress and car-dealer commercials again.

As a Christian, I am called to a certain life.  There are things God asks, expects, and even commands  me to do.  Some are easy.  Some are much more difficult. 

I am to do my part by voting for the candidates I feel will best lead our nation in the way I think God wants it to go.  I've done my part.  Ultimately, it is all (as is everything else), in God's hands.  NOTHING happens that He doesn't cause, or at least allow. 

I am commanded to honor and respect the office, no matter who sits in the seat. 

1 Peter 2:13-17 says, "Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every human authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right.  For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people.  Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God's slaves.  Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor."

Whether or not the election went the way we hoped it would; thank you, LORD that we live in a country where we are still free to vote.

Even when it seems like our country is falling all around us; thank you, LORD that you have given us greater freedom and prosperity than most countries will ever know.

Even though it seems we turn further from you with each passing year; thank you, LORD that you still hear your children when we cry out to you.

Forgive us, Father, for being complacent and apathetic.  May your people rise up again, and firmly stand.  May we live each day the way you have called us to live.

May we truly demonstrate 2 Chronicles 7:14.

Thank you, LORD, for LORD you are.

Navy It Is!

Just because I have a blog doesn't mean I keep up with it much.  I know I've needed to update it for some time now.  Looking through it this morning, I saw my last blog was about the Air Force. 

My son, Chase, has signed on with the Navy, and will be going in to the Nuclear Engineering Program.  (Can you hear my head swelling?)

It's not pride in me.  Far from it.  Considering where he has been, and what he has gone through, he has exceeded all expectations (from me, anyway). 

He was trying to get into the Air Force, and was told he couldn't even sign up until December because of a speeding ticket.  I thought that was a little strange, especially coming from the Air Force.  Don't they like speed?  Then one day a couple of months ago, he just texted, "What about the Navy?"

Soon, he had talked to a couple of recruiters, and he was on his way.  A couple of weeks ago, he took the ASVAB, and scored a 96.  (There goes my head again.)  He wanted to be a Corpseman, but was told they had no idea when an opening would come for that.  Looking around, he decided to go into Nuclear Engineering.

He has signed his contract, and been sworn in.  His potential ship-date is August 2nd.  He is currently considering signing up for the Roll In program.  Basically, if someone who was supposed to ship sooner isn't able to go, he can fill their spot.  The downside to that is, they can call him and ship him out with almost no notice. 

He's come a long way from who he was in high school.  I would love to tell you I was instrumental in bringing that out.  But I know God ultimately gets the glory, and the rest goes to Chase.  I talked to him about my regretting NOT going military when I was his age.  But all of the decisions, and all of the actions have been entirely him. 

Way to go, son.  I've always been proud of you.  And I've always tried to be respectful of you.  My pride, admiration and respect have been multiplied.