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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Merge Now

Most of us who drive more than 15 miles to work have that one spot where one lane ends, due to construction, an accident, or by design.  And there are always the people who know the lane ends, and they need to merge, but they insist on staying in the lane until they reach the end.  Then they force their way in, happy that they managed to get a few cars ahead.

On our last trip to Eureka Springs, there was quite a bit of construction going on, with lanes closed for miles.  Not one person went to the end, and forced their way in.  They say that Texas has the most courteous drivers.  (Obviously they don't drive in Dallas very often).  But this had little to do with courtesy.  At the beginning of the construction, long before the lane ended, were huge signs that read:

"Merge Now - State Law"

How awesome is that?  And it got me many other signs could we make?

"Yield means the cars coming off the freeway have the right of way. Slow down or move - State Law."

"Stereos turned up loud enough to vibrate other cars out of their lanes are strictly prohibited - State Law"

"The little lever on your steering wheel activates your signal. Use it - State Law."

"Applying mascara is just as dangerous as texting.  Your car is not a bathroom.  Put it on before leaving, or after you get there - State Law"

"When traffic is stopped, and you pass everyone by driving 60 mph on the shoulder, your car will be sold at auction, and the money given to those you passed - State Law"

"Motorcycles driving down the stripe to pass through traffic will have doors opened for them - State Law."

"Cigarettes thrown from cars will be collected, and dumped on smoker's lawn at the end of the month - State Law."

"Honking your horn the millisecond the light turns green strictly prohibited.  Violators will have their horns removed, and placed at random hidden places in their homes, and honked at odd hours in the middle of the night - State Law."

Coming up with this list, and realizing I could go on makes me wonder.  Are other drivers really that rude?  Or does it just irritate me more the older I get?

Maybe both.

1 comment:

  1. I just think you are turning into Dad! :-) Good sign ideas though!
