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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Illegal Immigration

Just watched a video of Jim Brosser.

In Reno, Nevada, there was a business that was flying the Mexican flag ABOVE the American flag. It was in front of a business that was obviously trying to make a point.

Point taken. But maybe I can remind you of a couple of things...

First off, it's illegal to fly any flag above the American flag. Period.

Second, you are here because you wanted a better way of life. If you think you would have a better life in Mexico, feel free to go.

I understand you are standing in opposition to Arizona's Immigration Law. One of the things that makes America great is our rights. You have the right to speak your mind...if you are a citizen. Thousands have fought and died to give you that right.

This country was founded by immigrants. Immigrants have helped shape this country into what it is today. Anyone who wants a better life, and the rights we have as Americans are welcome with open arms. But there is a procedure to follow. Go through the steps, and become a legal citizen, and you will be given the same rights any of us have. Move next door to me, and you will be my neighbor. I'll chat with you in the evenings, and consider you a friend. Cross the border without your documents, and you are illegal.

You don't agree with the policies? You want to voice your disapproval? Go on the radio, post a blog, send a letter to your congressman or senator. Whatever you choose to do, make it legal. Which brings me to another point. You are showing support for the millions of illegal immigrants living in America.

Today, people prefer we call them undocumented workers. We don't want to offend anyone, do we? But we don't call drug dealers unlicensed pharmacists. There is legal, and there is illegal.

What part of illegal do you not understand?

You show your support of illegal immigrants by illegally flying the Mexican flag above the American flag. And you want us to sympathize? Sorry. It doesn't work that way.

According to the National Human Rights Commission,

• In 2008, Mexico softened the punishment for illegal immigrants, from a maximum 10 years in prison to a maximum fine of $461.

• In one six-month period from September 2008 through February 2009, at least 9,758 migrants were kidnapped and held for ransom in Mexico — 91 of them with the direct participation of Mexican police.

Mexico has a single, streamlined law that ensures that foreign visitors and immigrants are:

• in the country legally;

• have the means to sustain themselves economically;

• not destined to be burdens on society;

• of economic and social benefit to society;

• of good character and have no criminal records; and

• contributors to the general well-being of the nation.

The law also ensures that:

• immigration authorities have a record of each foreign visitor;

• foreign visitors do not violate their visa status;

• foreign visitors are banned from interfering in the country’s internal politics;

• foreign visitors who enter under false pretenses are imprisoned or deported;

• foreign visitors violating the terms of their entry are imprisoned or deported;

• those who aid in illegal immigration will be sent to prison.

So if I decided to just move to Mexico without any documentation, and showing I didn't care anything about their laws, what would happen to me? I could be deported, but I could also be imprisoned. What if I moved there, demanded they support me and my children, give me free schooling, give me free healthcare, and demanded they accept me just as I am?

What do you suppose would happen if I were to move to Mexico, and fly the American flag above the Mexican flag?

You want to come to America? I don't blame you. You want to live here, and enjoy the benefits and rights we have? That's great.

Do it legally. The more you trample America, the more we will begin to fight back.

Jim Brosser walked away with the American flag, saying if they wanted their flag back, they would have to fight him for it. And that he wasn't going to "see this done to my country".

Good for you, Jim. May more Americans stand up for our rights before they are gone.

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